ACIS (Fraud and Abuse Control Information System) screening is a type of background screening that is commonly used in the healthcare industry. It is a database maintained by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that contains information on individuals and entities excluded from participation in federal healthcare programs.
FACIS screening is used to identify healthcare providers who have been excluded from participating in federal healthcare programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, due to fraud, abuse, or other misconduct. It is also used to identify providers who have been convicted of crimes related to healthcare or have had their professional licenses revoked or suspended.

FACIS screening is an important tool for healthcare organizations because it helps them to identify and exclude individuals who may pose a risk to patients or the organization’s reputation. The screening process is mandatory for healthcare organizations that participate in federal healthcare programs, and failure to conduct FACIS screening can result in fines and penalties.
It’s worth noting that FACIS screening is not the only background check that a healthcare provider should undergo, and it’s just one of the many different types of checks that may be required, depending on the country, state, and the specific type of healthcare professional.
The FACIS (Fraud and Abuse Control Information System) database maintained by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has several levels of screening available, depending on the type of provider or organization.

FACIS Level 1: This is the most basic level of screening and includes a search of the OIG’s List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE). It is designed to identify individuals and entities that have been excluded from participation in federal healthcare programs due to fraud, abuse, or other misconduct.
FACIS Level 2: This level of screening includes a search of the LEIE, as well as additional databases that are specific to the provider type, such as the General Services Administration’s (GSA) List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Non-procurement Programs, and the System for Award Management (SAM) Exclusions.
FACIS Level 3: This level of screening includes a search of the LEIE, additional databases that are specific to the provider type, as well as state and local exclusion lists, and other relevant databases.

FACIS Level 4: This level of screening includes a search of the LEIE, additional databases that are specific to the provider type, as well as state and local exclusion lists, other relevant databases, and customized screening options based on the organization’s specific needs.
It is worth noting that not all providers or organizations will require all levels of FACIS screening, and the level of screening required will depend on the specific type of provider and the organization’s needs and risk management strategies.